Tnpsc civil judge notification 2023:
tamil nadu public service Commission has announced the notification for recruitment of civil judge. The candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the notification &apply online. Tamilnadu government jobs details given below.
Post name:civil judge
tnpsc civil judge notification 2023:vacancy
Name of the post | number of vacancies |
civil judge | 245 |
tnpsc civil judge notification 2023:salary:
pay of scale-Rs 27700 to 33090
tnpsc civil judge notification 2023:age limit:(as on 01.07.2023) | Category of candidates | Minimum age | maximum age |
1.for practising advocates/pleaders and assistant public prosecutors | SC SCA ST MBC BC BCM and Destitute widows of all castes/ Others | 25 years | 42 years |
2.for fresh law graduates | for all categories | 22 years | 29 years |
tnpsc civil judge notification 2023:Education and qulification:as on 01.06.2023
practising advocate/pleaders and assistant public prosecutors | Must possess a degree in law of a university in india established or incorporated by Or under a central act Or state act Or institution recognised by the university grants commission. And must be practising as an advocate or must be an assistant public prosecutor having not less than 3 years of experience. |
fresh law graduates | must be a fresh law graduate possessing a degree in law. Or bachelor degree in law. Must have obtained the bachelor degree of law within a period of three years prior to the date of notification. |
tnpsc civil judge notification 2023:eligibility:
candidate for direct recruitment to the service
1.must be a citizen of india
2.should possess adequate knowledge to read write and speak in English and tamil
tnpsc civil judge notification 2023:fees:
Registration fees: one time registration | Rs. 150 |
Preliminary examination fee: The preliminary examination fees should be paid by the applicants within the date of submission of online application for this recruitment in case they are not eligible for the concession noted below. | Rs.100 |
Main Examination fees: The main examination fees should be paid later only by those applicants who are admitted to the main examination based on the results of preliminary examination and on receipt of intimation from tamilnadu public service Commission in case they are not eligible for the fee concession. | Rs.200 |
tnpsc civil judge notification 2023:scheme of examination:
1.preliminary examination

2.Main Examination

tnpsc civil judge notification 2023:important dat and links:
Tnpsc civil judge notification number | No. 12/2023 |
Post name | Civil judge |
Vacancy | 245 |
Application starting date | 01.06.2023 |
Application ending date | 30.06.2023 |
Preliminary exam date | 19.08.2023 |
main exam date | 28.10.2023 to 29.10.2023 |
main exam admit card | will be announced later |
offical website | |
civil judge notification pdf link | click here |
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tamilnadu government jobs 2023 click here