TN DHS Recruitment 2023:
Tamilnadu District Health Society has released the notification for the recruitment of Government Medical College Hospital Nilgiris joint director of health services, deputy director of health services office jobs. Tamilnadu government jobs. Post name, age limit, educational qualification and other details given below.

TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Table of Contents
. TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Post name
. TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Vacancy
. TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Age limit:as on 10.07.2023
. TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Salary details
. TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Educational qualification
. TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Selection process
. TN DHS Recruitment 2023:How to apply
. TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Important date and links
TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Post name
S. No | Name of the post |
1 | Audiologist |
2 | Audimetric Assistant |
3 | Speech therapist |
4 | Physiotherapist |
5 | Audiologist &Speech Therapist |
6 | Optometrist |
7 | Lab Technician |
8 | Dental Technician |
9 | Multi Purpose Health Worker |
10 | OT Assistant |
11 | Security Worker |
12 | Hospital Attendants |
13 | Multipurpose Hospital Worker |
14 | HMIS IT Co Ordinator |
15 | Pschiatric Nurse |
16 | Nutrition Counsellor |
17 | Cook Cum Care taker |
18 | Multipurpose Hospital Worker |
19 | Driver(MMU) |
TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Vacancy
S. No | Name of the post | No of vacancy |
1 | Audiologist | 1 |
2 | Audimetric Assistant | 1 |
3 | Speech Therapist | 1 |
4 | Physiotherapist | 2 |
5 | Audiologist &Speech Therapist | 1 |
6 | Optometrist | 1 |
7 | Lab Technician | 5 |
8 | Dental Technician | 1 |
9 | Multipurpose health worker | 3 |
10 | OT Assistant | 2 |
11 | Security worker | 1 |
12 | Hospital attendants | 1 |
13 | Multipurpose hospital worker | 2 |
14 | HMIS IT CO ordinator | 1 |
15 | Pschiatric Nurse | 1 |
16 | Nutrition Counsellor | 1 |
17 | Cook cum care taker | 1 |
18 | Multipurpose hospital worker | 1 |
19 | Driver (MMU) | 1 |
Total | 28 |
TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Age limit:as on 10.07.2023
Age limit: as per norms
TN DHS ecruitment 2023:Salary details
S. No | Name of the post | Salary |
1 | Audiologist | Rs. 9000 |
2 | Audiometric assistant | Rs. 7520 |
3 | Speech therapist | Rs. 9000 |
4 | Physiotherapist | Rs. 10250 |
5 | Audiologist & Speech therapist | Rs. 20000 |
6 | Optometrist | Rs. 9500 |
7 | Lab technician | Rs. 13000 |
8 | Dental technician | Rs. 9000 |
9 | Multipurpose health worker | Rs. 7500 |
10 | OT Assistant | Rs. 11200 |
11 | Security worker | Rs. 6500 |
12 | Hospital attendants | Rs. 6500 |
13 | Multipurpose hospital worker | Rs. 8500 |
14 | HMIS IT Co ordinator | Rs. 16500 |
15 | Psychiatric nurse | Rs. 10000 |
16 | Nutrition Counsellor | Rs. 15000 |
17 | Cook cum care taker | Rs. 5000 |
18 | Multipurpose hospital worker | Rs. 5000 |
19 | Driver (MMU) | Collector wages |
TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Educational qualification
S. No | Name of the post | Educational qualification |
1 | Audiologist | UG in Audiology |
2 | Audimetric assistant | High school diploma Or equivalent, complete a certificate program |
3 | Speech therapist | Master degree in speech language pathology |
4 | Physiotherapist | degree in physiotherapy |
5 | Audiologist &speech therapist | UG in speech and language pathology |
6 | Optometrist | UG in Optometry or PG in Optometry |
7 | Lab technician | DMLT |
8 | Dental technician | 2 years course on dental technician |
9 | Multipurpose hospital worker | 8th std |
10 | OT Assistant | 3 months OT technician course |
11 | Security worker | 8th std |
12 | Hospitals attendants | 8th std |
13 | Multipurpose hospital worker | 8th pass or fail |
14 | HMIS IT Co ordinator | MCA/BE/B.Tech with 1 year experience in the field |
15 | Psychiatric nurse | Nursing qualification |
16 | Nutrition counsellor | B sc Nutrition |
17 | Cook cum care taker | 8th pass or fail |
18 | Multipurpose hospital worker | 8th pass or fail |
19 | Driver (MMU) | 10 th std |
TN DHS ecruitment 2023:Selection process
. These posts are purely temporary.
.. These posts not permanent at any time.
. Must be given letter of consent to join the job.
. The post will be filled on a rotation process.
TN DHS Recruitment 2023:How to apply
Applications forms to be sent through direct or speed post or E-mail. Submission of application last date 10.07.2023 before 5.00pm.
. Application form send it to below mentioned address and e-mail
Email ID –
Address :
நிர்வாக செயலாளர் /துணை இயக்குநர் சுகாதாரப்பணிகள்,
மாவட்ட நல வாழ்வு சங்கம்,
38, ஜெயில் ஹில் ரோடு, துணை இயக்குநர் சுகாதாரப்பணிகள்,
துணை இயக்குநர் சுகாதாரப்பணிகள் அலுவலகம்,
நீலகிரி மாவட்டம்.
TN DHS Recruitment 2023:Important date and links
Name of the post | Multi jobs |
No of vacancy | 28 |
Job type | Tamilnadu government job |
Application mode | Offline application |
Application end date | 10.07.2023 |
Official Notification pdf link | CLICK HERE |
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