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tnpsc field surveyor notification 2022 |
Notification No. 18/2022
Advertisement No. 622
Tamilnadu public service commission invite the online application for the post of Field surveyor,Draftsman and Surveyor- cum- Assistant Draughtsman.
Vacancy: 1089
1. Field surveyor- 794* +4 c/f
2. Draftsman- 236*
3. Surveyor-cum- Assistant Draughtsman- 55*
Rs. 19500/- 71900/-
(Pay level 8)
Age Limit: as on 01.07.2022
BC/BCM/MBC&DNC/SC/SCA/ST: No maximum age limit
Note: For the person who are trained in survey in ITI in Tamil Nadu in respect of posts of field surveyor and Draftsman only: Age limit 37
Age concession:
PWD: 10 years
Ex servicemen: upto 50 years
Note: Age relaxation as per Tamil Nadu government norms as usual.
Education Qualification: as on 29.07.2022
Applicants should possess the following or its equivalent qualification awarded by any university or institution mention below.
Post Name | Education Qualification |
Field Surveyor in Survey and settlement wing | i. A Diploma in Civil Engineering from any Institute approved by All India Council for Technical Education (or) ii. National Trade Certificate in the trade of Surveyor awarded by National Council for Vocational Training (for Surveyor) (or) iii. A Certificate in Army Trade Surveyor (field) issued by Madras Engineering Group |
Draftsman in Survey and settlement wing | i. A Diploma in Civil Engineering from any Institute approved by All India Council for Technical Education (or) ii. National Trade Certificate in the trade of Draftsman(Civil) awarded by National Council for Vocational Training (for Draftsman) (or) iii. A Certificate in Army Trade Draftsman (field) issued by Madras Engineering Group. |
Surveyor-cumAssistant Draughtsman in Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Department | a. A pass in the Draughtsman ship (Civil) course under the revised syllabus introduced from July 1952, conducted by the Government of India, Ministry of Labour: or b. A certificate in Army Trade Draughtsman (Field) issued by the President, Technical Testing Board, Madras Engineering Group and Centre; or c. A certificate in Draughtsman (Civil) issued by the Craftsman Training Centre; or d. The National Trade Certificate of Draftsman (Civil) Trade or Surveyor Trade awarded by the national council for training in vocational Trades, Government of India through Industrial Training Institute and Completion of successful training in apprenticeship under the Apprentices Act 1961; or e. Must possess a Diploma in Civil Engineering. |
(i) The educational qualifications prescribed for these posts should have been obtained by passing the required qualification in the following order of studies viz. 10th + ITI (10+2) or 10th + Diploma (10+3) or 10th + Diploma + Bachelor’s Degree Course (10+3+3) or 10th + HSC + Diploma (10+2+2) or 10th + HSC + Bachelor’s Degree Course (10+2+4) as required under Section 25 of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016. The results of examination should have been declared on or before the date of Notification.[Section 20 (4)(iv) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act 2016]
(ii) Applicants claiming equivalence of qualification to the prescribed qualification should upload and submit evidence for equivalence of qualification in the form of Government Order issued on or before the date of this notification and submit it along with the online application, failing which, their application will be summarily rejected after due process. The Government Orders regarding equivalence of qualification issued after the date of this notification will not be accepted. [Refer note under Para 9 of the “Instructions to Applicants‟ and “Disclaimer”]
(iii) The qualifications considered equivalent are indicated in Annexure-I to this notification
Job type: Tamil Nadu government jobs
Job Location: In Tamil Nadu
Scheme of Examination:( Objective type) ( OMR Method)
Total Marks: 450
Paper-1 : Subject paper ( ITI standard)
Number of question: 200( 300 marks)
Part-A: Tamil eligibility test
Number of question:100( 150 marks)
Minimum pass marks: 60 marks
Note: Paper 2 , part A will not be taken into account for ranking.
Part-B: General studies & Aptitude and mental ability
Number of question: 100( 150 marks)
1.Question paper set tamil and english in both( Except tamil eligibility test)
2. No negative marks
3. For more details & Download syllabus, refer notification pdf
Selection process:
Selection will be made in single stage. The selection will be made on the basis of the total marks obtained by the applicants at the written examination, subject to the rule of reservation of appointments. The applicant who has not appeared for any of the Paper in the written examination will not be considered for selection, even if he/she secures the minimum qualifying marks for selection.[For further details refer Para 18-C of Commission’s Instructions to Applicants]
How to Apply:
Applicants should apply only through online mode in the Commission’s websites or
Application Fee: Rs. 100/-
Last Date for submission of application: 27.08.2022 , 11.59pm.
Important Date & Link
Topics | Date/ Link |
Notification date& Online application start | 29.07.2022 |
Online application last date | 27.08.2022 |
Application correction window period | 1.9.2022- 3.9.2022 |
Exam Date paper 1 | 6.11.2022 , 9.30am- 12.30 pm |
Exam date paper 2 | 6.11.2022 , 2.00pm – 5.00 pm |
Download Notification & Syllabus pdf | click here |
tnpsc official website | click here |
Apply online application link | click here |
Last date upto which applicants are permitted to upload/ re upload the documents | 24.10.2022 |
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